National Novel Writing Month

This year for #NaNoWriMo2019, I chose to write multiple short stories with the goal of honing my writing ability. To do that, I did a few different things:

  1. I wrote a short story in first person, when I usually write in third.
  2. I’m often times too dialogue heavy, so I wrote two characters who spoke different languages.
  3. I stretched my “pantser” legs, and dove right into a few stories without too much planning (spoiler alert: this style is not for me!)


Emily Rae spends most of her day fighting with characters in her head. She controls their bickering by attending writing critiques and write-ins at her local bookstore. Luckily, she’s surrounded by a tight-knit group of writers who are just as crazy as she is. She has attended multiple university-level courses exploring various aspects of creative fiction writing. While she writes all year round, she has participated in National Novel Writing month eight years in a row, and nothing will stop her winning streak. She has also worked as a journalist and wrote several published news articles. Emily currently owns a marketing firm, which entails producing websites, videos, and brand strategies.